
The Morocco-Portugal-Spain Partnership: A Unique Opportunity

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The tripartite organization of the 2030 World Cup offers a unique opportunity for Morocco, Spain, and Portugal to broaden their horizons. According to the Spanish Institute of Governance and Applied Economics « Coordenadas, » this partnership has « immense potential » for the development of these three countries.

In an analysis titled « The Morocco-Portugal-Spain Triangle, » the think tank emphasizes that cooperation in areas such as trade, security, and immigration, as well as cultural and human exchanges, demonstrates an increased ability to adapt and collaborate among these nations.

The joint organization of the World Cup symbolizes possibilities and expectations beyond sports, highlighting a thousand years of shared Mediterranean culture and historical cooperation. This complex network of history, politics, economy, and culture has shaped the tripartite relations over the centuries.

Morocco is a key trading partner for Spain and Portugal, facilitating commercial exchanges thanks to geographic proximity and improved transport infrastructure. Security cooperation is also notable, with Morocco playing a crucial role in countering extremism.

Immigration is another essential area of this cooperation, leading to joint development programs and improved conditions for migrants. The cultural relations between Morocco, Portugal, and Spain are rich and complex, influenced by centuries of mutual exchanges.

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