
New Regulations for Pet Food Imports in Morocco

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The U.S. Department of Agriculture has praised Morocco’s recent measures to regulate the import of raw materials used in the production of pet food, including food for cats and dogs.

In a report released recently, the department, along with the « Global Agricultural Information Network, » informed industry stakeholders that Morocco has taken new steps in this regard. The report includes a translation of the regulations issued by the National Office for Food Safety (ONSSA) at the end of the first quarter of this year.

The report begins by stating, « The Moroccan government has issued new regulations for the import of animal feed, which previously lacked a defined framework. The new list now allows the use of animal meals in dog and cat food and opens up opportunities for broader applications of products for feeding other animals. »

In its report titled « New Regulations for the Import of Pet Food Products, » the department clarified the main measures proposed by ONSSA to manage risks associated with pet food products, such as those for dogs and cats.

Global publications focused on pet food and animal feed have also highlighted the importance of Morocco’s recent decisions in protecting the food systems of these animals. The « Feed Navigator » platform, specialized in the agricultural sector, stated that « these measures are likely part of a trend towards homemade pet food alternatives. »

A report by « Euromonitor International, » a provider of paid reports, predicted an increase in cat ownership in Morocco, as many individuals remain single, driving up the rate of pet ownership. However, the same report noted that the biggest challenge for the cat food market is the ongoing economic stagnation, pushing pet owners to abandon ready-made cat food or reduce its use in favor of leftovers. Nonetheless, the report expects growth in the cat food market in Morocco, with products from brands like « Avenal, » « Divinus, » « Reflex, » or « Happy Cat, » and also anticipates growth in the dog food market.

The measures adopted by ONSSA, signed by the office’s director and the director of food product monitoring, state that « imported products are subject to inspections at the ports of Agadir, Casablanca, and Tangier, in coordination with ONSSA’s regional directorates. »

Before any import of these types of pet food, an initial evaluation is carried out by a committee from the country of origin, considering the conditions for producing and approving animal meals, along with a health certificate provided by the importer regarding the health conditions of the import from the concerned country.

The importer must submit an import request to ONSSA’s regional branches, provided that the country of import is on the list of countries authorized to export animal feed, which is regularly updated by ONSSA.

Imports of raw materials for the manufacture of dog and cat food are subject to health checks combining document examination and verification of the country of origin, as well as analysis of a sample of the imported materials. If the results are satisfactory, the competent authority approves the imported shipment.

ONSSA’s services also monitor the transport and storage of imported feed, with importers required to provide suitable conditions for inspections. Importers with import licenses must use raw materials solely for the preparation of dog and cat food, under penalty of license withdrawal if the rules are not followed.

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