
Meeting in Larache to commemorate the 446th anniversary of the Battle of Oued Al Makhazine

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During this event, speakers stressed that this celebration bears national symbolism, with the presence of members of the resistance family and the liberation army, as well as the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the accession to the Throne of HM King Mohammed VI, who demonstrates the values ​​of loyalty and cohesion between the Moroccan people and the monarchy.
This historic battle still occupies an important place in the hearts of Moroccans and has a high symbolic value in their memory, they added, noting that this celebration is also intended to be a living testimony to the antiquity and grandeur of history. of the Kingdom.
Speaking on this occasion, the High Commissioner for former resistance fighters and former members of the liberation army, Mustapha El Ktiri, indicated that this celebration aims to highlight the symbolism and deep human, religious and national meanings of this heroic epic, adding that it is also an opportunity to transmit these ideals to new generations and that they arm themselves with these noble values ​​to build a modern Morocco.
This meeting, which took place in the presence of representatives of provincial and local authorities, families of resistance fighters and the liberation army, elected officials and civilian actors, represents a radiant epic in the history of resistance. Moroccan, and the defense of the integrity and sovereignty of the Kingdom and its national constants, insisted Mr. El Ktiri.
And to add that the celebration of this anniversary in the place where this battle took place testifies to the fidelity to the memory of the heroes, who sacrificed their lives in favor of the preservation of territorial integrity and an irrefutable proof of the permanent willingness of Moroccans to sacrifice their lives to preserve the unity and defend the sovereignty of their countries.
This meeting was punctuated by a tribute paid to six members of the family of the resistance and the liberation army, in addition to the distribution of 46 financial aid and social assistance to several former resistance fighters and members of the army of the liberation. release, their widows and beneficiaries.

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