
Healthcare: Trump May Retain Obamacare if No Better Alternative is Found

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Former U.S. President Donald Trump stated on Wednesday that he would retain the healthcare law introduced during Barack Obama’s presidency, commonly known as « Obamacare, » unless « we can come up with something much better. »

At a campaign rally in Asheville, North Carolina, Trump added, « We will keep it. It’s not a good law, but if we can do something better, we will. »

Addressing his supporters, Trump, who previously pledged to repeal the law during his tenure, announced that he would introduce a new healthcare bill if it was « less expensive and better for you. »

Referring to Vice President Kamala Harris, Trump said, « She says I’m going to get rid of the healthcare law. No, no, I will keep it unless we can come up with something better and less costly for you; otherwise, we won’t do it. »

It is worth noting that during his campaign for a second term, the former president made promises to improve « Obamacare, » but he did not specify how he would achieve that.

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