
Coastal Fishing at Lamhiriz: 2% Rise in Volume, But Decreasing Revenues

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The landings of coastal and artisanal fishing products at Lamhiriz port saw a 2% increase by the end of last July, reaching 1,538 tons, compared to 1,501 tons during the same period the previous year.

However, the market value of these products decreased by 3% during the first seven months of 2024 compared to the same period in 2023, amounting to 48.19 million dirhams (MDH), according to the latest report from the National Fisheries Office (ONP) on coastal and artisanal fishing statistics in Morocco.

By species group, the report indicates a 2% drop in pelagic fish landings, totaling 77 tons with a value of 819,000 dirhams (+22%). Additionally, white fish catches decreased by 7%, reaching 511 tons.

As for cephalopods, landings increased by 8%, reaching 916 tons (39.25 MDH), while crustacean landings rose by 36% to 34 tons (2.96 MDH/+30%).

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