
Slight Increase in Manufacturing Prices Recorded in July 2024

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The producer price index for the « Manufacturing industries excluding petroleum refining » sector recorded an increase of 0.2% in July 2024 compared to the previous month, according to the High Commission for Planning (HCP).

This rise is mainly due to the increase in prices by 0.5% in « Food industries, » 0.9% in « Metallurgy, » 0.8% in the « Textile industry, » 0.3% in the « Clothing industry, » and 0.1% in « Electrical equipment manufacturing. » At the same time, a 0.4% decrease in prices was observed in the « Manufacturing of other non-metallic mineral products, » as stated by the HCP in its recent information note on the industrial, energy, and mining producer price index (IPPIEM).

Additionally, the producer price indices for the « Extractive industries, » « Electricity production and distribution, » and « Water production and distribution » sectors remained stable during July 2024, according to the same source.

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