
A Memorable Gnawa Festival: Tradition and Innovation in Montreal

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The Gnawa Arts and Cultures of the World Festival concluded its second edition on Monday evening in Montreal with musical performances by the « masters » Mokhtar Gania and Amine Ben Rkia. The two artists captivated the audience, including many members of the Moroccan community, with performances that showcased the richness of Gnawa music, delighting a large crowd with memorable pieces such as « Moulay Ahmed » and « Aicha ».

While « master » Gania brilliantly presented a « traditional Gnawa night » in all its colors, Amine Ben Rkia skillfully transported the audience into the world of Gnawa music.

In a moment of creative fusion, the « masters » Hamid El Kasri, Gania, Ben Rkia, Baqbou, and Hind Naira took the stage to deliver an outstanding performance that delighted the audience. The closing day also featured numerous workshops on jazz and rhythms.

On the sidelines of the cultural event, « master » Hamid El Kasri expressed his pride in meeting members of the Moroccan community residing in Canada, highlighting the importance of preserving authentic Moroccan culture.

Meanwhile, rising talent Hind Naira expressed her happiness at performing alongside pioneers of the art, noting that women in Gnawa music are gradually finding their place in this musical world, particularly thanks to pioneering « masters. »

The festival, organized by the Moroccan Cultural Center « Dar Maroc, » began with a festive parade of Gnawa musicians through the main streets of the Canadian city, transporting local residents and members of the Moroccan community into the world of this musical art, which has been on the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage list since 2019.

The event’s program also included dance and music workshops, as well as an exhibition of works by artist Omar Kamawi, showcasing this ancient art form.

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