
Open-Admission Faculties: A Key to Enhancing Moroccan University Appeal

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The Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research, and Innovation, Abdelatif Miraoui, stated this Thursday in Casablanca that « open-admission faculties are fundamental to enhancing the appeal of Moroccan universities, which calls for elevating their status and prominence. »

In a statement to the MAP during his visit to Hassan II University in Casablanca for the launch of the 2024-2025 academic year, Mr. Miraoui mentioned that the centers of excellence established at both the Faculty of Legal, Economic, and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Sciences affiliated with Hassan II University have garnered significant interest from students. These centers provide a new opportunity for holders of a Bac+2 to continue their studies, thereby enhancing the attractiveness of university institutions.

Regarding this year’s university entry, the minister highlighted the smooth registration process, now fully digitized, and urged the adoption of a new mindset, particularly regarding training, which currently focuses on empowering human capital. This aligns with the importance that His Majesty King Mohammed VI places on human capital, training, and equipping Moroccan youth to meet current challenges.

On his part, Hussein Azdouk, president of Hassan II University in Casablanca, confirmed that this year’s registration phase heavily relies on digitalization, allowing students seamless access to the university through mobile applications, which will enable them to track their language proficiency and communicate with the administration, as well as request certificates and documents.

Mr. Azdouk also pointed out that the centers of excellence in both faculties will contribute to improving the quality of learning and enhancing the faculties’ appeal. The university is also implementing a program to accelerate and deepen the pace of digital transformation.

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