
Berkane Municipal Council Approves Several Partnership Agreements in an Extraordinary Session

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The Berkane Municipal Council recently held an extraordinary session focused on studying and approving several partnership agreements, along with other items on the agenda.

The session primarily dealt with a protocol agreement between the municipality, the Berkane Province administration, a private company, and two local development companies, « Majal Berkane » and « Harkiya Berkane », aimed at establishing a framework for cooperation among the involved parties.

During this session, chaired by the council president, Mohamed Ibrahimi, a partnership and cooperation agreement was also approved to establish the Regional Data Storage Center (DATA CENTER) at the « Majal » Innovation and Territorial Intelligence Complex in Berkane.

This agreement was signed by the Oriental Region Governorate, the Oriental Region, the Berkane Province administration, the Oriental Development Agency, the Berkane Provincial Council, the Berkane municipality, and the local development company « Majal Berkane. »

The council also approved several decisions on various issues and a specific agreement related to a framework agreement between the municipality, the Berkane Province administration, and the Al Omrane company of the Oriental region for the establishment of 10 sports facilities and fields.

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