
Prime Minister Akhannouch’s Visit to China to Oversee Strategic Project’s Progress in Morocco

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Prime Minister Aziz Akhannouch visited the « Gotion High Tech » factory in Hefei, China, last Friday, where he observed the progress of the massive industrial unit being constructed in Kénitra. This visit took place during a meeting with Zhen Li, the president of the group.

During his visit to Beijing, where he represented His Majesty King Mohammed VI at the China-Africa Cooperation Forum Summit, Mr. Akhannouch also visited the « United Cell Line » factory, a key plant of the Gotion High Tech group and Volkswagen in China.

Mr. Akhannouch was accompanied by the Minister for Investment, Mohcine Jazouli, the President of the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises, Chakib Alj, and the Director-General of the Moroccan Agency for Investment and Export Development, Ali Seddiki.

On this occasion, the president of Gotion High Tech confirmed that the project’s timeline was on track, and the industrial unit is expected to be completed within eight months. This first phase of the project in Kénitra will require an investment of 14 billion dirhams and is expected to create 17,000 jobs, with operations starting in the second quarter of 2026.

The Kénitra project is part of a broader dynamic to develop the electric battery ecosystem in Morocco, with potential integration into other strategic initiatives like « JV CNGR » and « Al Mada » in Jorf Lasfar. It represents a significant milestone for Morocco, marking its first industrial unit of this scale in the Middle East and Africa.

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