
Ministry of Youth and Culture Allocates Over 7 Million Dirhams to Support 68 Artistic Projects in 2024

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The Ministry of Youth, Culture, and Communication has announced a budget of 7.008 million dirhams to support 68 projects in the fields of music, song, performing arts, and choreographic art for the year 2024.

In a statement, the ministry mentioned that the committee supporting cultural and artistic projects in these areas met between July 10 and September 2, 2024, to review the submitted applications. A total of 216 project files were received via the digital platform.

The supported projects are distributed as follows:

  • Music and song production: 61 projects, with a total funding of 6.378 million dirhams.

  • Promotion and distribution of music and song products: 3 projects, with a total of 430,000 dirhams.

  • Participation in international music festivals: 1 project, with 60,000 dirhams.

  • Artistic residencies: 2 projects, with a total of 80,000 dirhams.

  • Choreographic and performing arts: 1 project, with 60,000 dirhams.

The support committee consists of Samir Bhajin as president and members Najia El Ataoui, Leila Chaker, Lamia Azizi, Younes Taleb, Mohamed Zaki, Mohamed Damo, Amine Hadaf, and Toufik Fridi.

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