
Yemeni Film « The Exhausted » Wins Grand Prize at Casablanca

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The Yemeni film The Exhausted, directed by Amr Gamal, won the grand prize at the 5th Casablanca Arab Film Festival. It tells the true story of a middle-class family from Aden, impacted by the war in 2019.

The Moroccan film Jalal Eddine won the Jury Prize, narrating the story of a man who, after the death of his wife, isolates himself for 20 years to find spiritual meaning through Sufism.

Among other awards, Palestinian actor Saleh Bakri won Best Actor for his role in The Professor, while Tunisian actress Amina Ben Ismaïl was named Best Actress for her role in The In-Between.

In the short film category, Issa won the grand prize, and the Syrian film The Angels received a special mention.

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