
A Cry for Help for the Youth of Fnideq: A Parliamentarian Sounds the Alarm

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Salwa Damnati, a member of the Socialist Union of Popular Forces (USFP) party, voiced her concerns about the tragic events unfolding in Fnideq, where hundreds of young people and minors are attempting mass migration to the other side.

In a Facebook post, Damnati expressed: “The situation in Fnideq is deeply painful. As a mother, it is heartbreaking to see caravans of children and youth throwing themselves into the sea, their blood spilling on barbed wires. As an opposition MP, we have raised our voices countless times to warn the government about the dire economic and social conditions in Fnideq and the surrounding areas following the closure of the Ceuta border, without providing an alternative. There’s no room for political bickering. Don’t the competent officials in this government wonder why these children and youth are fleeing their homeland, seeking death in such a horrific way, despite knowing they are not welcome on the other side? It’s a pain beyond words for a mother to bid farewell to her children as they throw themselves into the sea, praying for their safety, with tears blending with the seawater.”

The parliamentarian added: “The government needs to face reality, pull its head out of the sand, and wake up from its arrogance by finding swift solutions to create real job opportunities. These youths are part of the 4 million young people who are neither in education, training, nor listed as unemployed. These young people are the arms of Morocco in 2030. If we lose them, who will build, who will lead, and who will raise the flag of this country in 2030?”

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