
Devastating Floods in Tata: Preliminary Report of Two Deaths and Fourteen Missing

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Local authorities in the Tata region have reported that, following intense thunderstorms, exceptional floods caused a passenger bus to be swept away by the currents in the Tata River on Friday. A preliminary report indicates two fatalities, while 13 passengers were rescued and 14 remain missing.

In addition, one woman is reported missing in the village of Ighourten, located in the commune of Takzmirte under the Adiss leadership, due to the floodwaters.

The heavy rains caused an unprecedented rise in water levels, with the Tata River reaching a flow of over 2300 cubic meters per second and the Zguid River at 1900 cubic meters per second.

As for material damages, a preliminary assessment indicates:

  • total or partial collapse of several houses, with residents already evacuated;

  • total or partial collapse of several infrastructures;

  • significant damage to several road sections, causing traffic disruptions.

Public authorities and all relevant sectors have fully mobilized logistical and human resources to respond quickly to this exceptional situation, providing aid to citizens. Efforts continue to search for the missing and restore road networks and services in the region.

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