
52 Individuals Sentenced Following Attack on Occupied Ceuta

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The Tétouan Primary Court has sentenced 52 people in connection with the September 15 attack on Ceuta, during which a group attempted to breach the city’s surrounding fences. These events led to violent clashes with public forces.

According to sources, the court convicted the accused on multiple charges, including “insulting public employees during the performance of their duties, assaulting law enforcement officers, rebellion, damaging public property, illegal entry and exit from the national territory, and armed assembly on public roads.”

The court imposed prison sentences: 27 individuals received seven months in prison, 20 were sentenced to nine months, one person to six months, two to three months, and two others to two months. In addition, each defendant was fined 1,000 dirhams. One person was acquitted.

Security forces in Fnideq had previously arrested dozens involved in the attack on the barrier with Ceuta, which caused significant damage to public property and security vehicles.

It is worth noting that the court has postponed the verdict for an Algerian defendant, whose case was separated from the others, after her situation gained attention on social media.

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