
Morocco Reaffirms Link Between Terrorism and Separatism at the African Union Peace and Security Council

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Morocco reiterated on Wednesday in Addis Ababa, before the African Union’s Peace and Security Council, the strong connection between terrorist groups and separatists.

During a virtual meeting dedicated to discussing the African Union Commission’s report on combating terrorism across the continent, Morocco’s Permanent Representative to the AU, Ambassador Mohamed Arrouchi, highlighted the devastating consequences of terrorist activities in Africa, including widespread displacement and significant human casualties.

Arrouchi stressed that these terrorist groups are behind numerous violent attacks, kidnappings, and actions aimed at imposing extremist ideologies. He lamented that Africa has suffered $171 billion in economic losses over the past decade due to terrorism, and emphasized that the continent alone has borne the brunt of the impact of foreign terrorist fighters seeking refuge in Africa.

Moreover, he pointed out the alarming cooperation between terrorist groups, armed non-state actors, and separatists, which has been further worsened by the illegal flow of arms and financial resources.

He called for a stringent response to combat these threats, emphasizing that undermining national sovereignty leads to dangerous alliances between these actors, threatening peace and stability in Africa. Fighting the financing of terrorism, including illegal trade and extortion of local populations, is key to ensuring stability and protecting civilians.

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