
Google Honors Morocco’s 69th Independence Anniversary

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Staying true to tradition, Google marked November 18th by celebrating Morocco’s 69th Independence Anniversary. The search engine adorned its homepage with the colors of the Moroccan flag.

The American tech giant showcased a “doodle” featuring the Moroccan flag waving against a yellow-orange sky. By clicking on the illustration, users can explore diverse information about this pivotal moment in Morocco’s history.

This commemoration highlights the historic speech by the father of the nation, the late King Mohammed V, announcing the end of the protectorate regime and the liberation of the homeland.

On November 18, 1955, upon his return from exile with the royal family, the late King Mohammed V declared the end of French tutelage, ushering in a new era of freedom and independence. This event symbolized the transition from the “lesser struggle” to the “greater struggle” in the context of the King and People’s Revolution.

Google annually celebrates Morocco’s Independence Day and other national holidays, having previously paid tribute to several Moroccan figures.

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