Princely Activities

Celebrating 25 Years of the Children’s Parliament under the Leadership of Lalla Meryem

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Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Meryem, President of the National Observatory for Children’s Rights, presided on Tuesday at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University in Rabat over a ceremony commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Children’s Parliament.

The event began with a group of children performing the national anthem, followed by a speech from Meryem Amjoun on behalf of the young parliamentarians. She expressed deep gratitude to His Majesty King Mohammed VI for his unwavering commitment to child protection and to Her Royal Highness for her tireless efforts in making the Children’s Parliament a genuine platform for children to voice their opinions.

The ceremony also paid tribute to the late King Hassan II for his noble initiatives, particularly the creation of the National Observatory for Children’s Rights to uphold the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Her Royal Highness viewed institutional videos highlighting 25 years of the Children’s Parliament, including testimonials and success stories of former members, showcasing the aspirations of the alumni club to foster citizenship and solidarity values.

Awards were presented to children with the best projects during an entrepreneurship training camp. Additionally, three cooperation agreements were signed to support the Children’s Parliament’s initiatives.

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