The judicial police in Oujda, in collaboration with the General Directorate of Territorial Surveillance (DGST), arrested five individuals aged between 26 and 68 on Wednesday, including four members of the same family. They are suspected of involvement in an international criminal network specializing in gold smuggling.
During an operation in the city, authorities searched three houses, resulting in the seizure of 87 gold items weighing a total of 33.13 kilograms, along with small gold ingots. Substantial amounts of money in Moroccan dirhams and euros, believed to be proceeds from this illicit activity, were also confiscated.
Additional items seized included two vehicles, a motorcycle, bladed weapons, and an electronic scale, suspected of being used in the criminal operations.
The suspects are currently in custody under judicial supervision, with ongoing investigations aiming to determine the extent of this network and apprehend other potential accomplices.