
Casablanca Stock Exchange Starts with a Decline

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The Casablanca Stock Exchange opened trading on Tuesday on a downward trend. The main index, MASI, dropped by 0.09%, settling at 14,705.76 points.

Similarly, the MASI.20 index, reflecting the performance of 20 major listed companies, decreased by 0.08% to 1,195.22 points, while the MASI.ESG index, covering top ESG-rated companies, gained 0.03%, reaching 1,050.84 points.

The MASI Mid and Small Cap index, which tracks the performance of small and medium-sized companies, advanced by 0.17% to 1,435.71 points.

In terms of stocks, the biggest losers were Stroc Industrie (-4.35%, 44 MAD), CTM (-2.79%, 694 MAD), Delta Holding (-2.6%, 52.02 MAD), Involys (-2.49%, 97.51 MAD), and Disway Technologies (-1.63%, 241.5 MAD).

On the other hand, the top gainers included Risma (+2.32%, 213.85 MAD), Auto Hall (+1.98%, 63.34 MAD), Cosumar (+1.53%, 199 MAD), Akdital (+1.41%, 1,079 MAD), and Med Paper (+1.4%, 20.3 MAD).

Yesterday, the MASI index closed the session with a larger loss of 0.8%.

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