
Asilah Police Neutralize Armed Threat

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A statement from the General Directorate of National Security (DGSN) revealed that two police officers from the Asilah police station were compelled to use their service weapons on the evening of Wednesday, December 25, to neutralize a threat posed by two intoxicated brothers. The suspects endangered public safety and property using bladed weapons.

The police intervened to arrest the suspects, who had been seriously threatening citizens’ safety. The brothers resisted violently, causing a minor chest injury to one of the officers. Faced with this situation, four shots were fired: three warning shots and one shot hitting the lower limbs of one suspect.

The injured suspect was placed under medical supervision at the hospital, while the second suspect was taken into custody as part of an investigation under the supervision of the competent public prosecutor. The investigation aims to uncover the circumstances and motives behind these criminal acts.

Additionally, a victim of physical assault by the suspects was interviewed as part of the ongoing investigation.

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