
11th Edition of the « Bachikh » Festival in Tangier

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The 11th edition of the « Bachikh » Festival celebrating the Amazigh New Year will take place in Tangier from January 11 to 13. Organized by the « Amazigh Sanhaja du Rif » Association, with support from the Ministry of Youth, Culture, and Communication and in partnership with the Tangier-Tétouan-Al Hoceima region, the festival promises a diverse program of cultural and artistic events.

The festival includes conferences, exhibitions of Amazigh products, traditional musical performances, and displays of artworks and literary works.

The organizing association highlights a national conference titled « Literary Writing and Its Role in Promoting the Amazigh Cultural Heritage of Sanhaja Srair Tribes, » emphasizing creative writing as a key means to preserve and transmit culture and history to future generations. Another conference will discuss « The Identity Crisis in Amazigh Countries, » particularly in regions with diverse cultural influences, alongside a workshop on « Linguistic and Cultural Revitalization for Minority Languages. »

Artistically, the event features a performance of « Hait, » a traditional art form specific to the Sanhaja Srair region, and a concert of Amazigh music with artists such as Aïcha Tachinouite, Samira Belhaj, Karim El Morsi, Nabil Torkisti, and the Tidghine ensemble.

The festival will also honor several local figures for their contributions to preserving the historical and cultural heritage of the Sanhaja Srair tribes.

A deeply rooted tradition in the Sanhaja Srair region of northern Morocco, « Bachikh, » also known as « Bilmawn » or « Boujloud » in other Moroccan areas, is celebrated over a week during the Amazigh New Year. This custom symbolizes hope for a prosperous agricultural year and includes dances, songs, and the distribution of nuts and dried fruits among attendees.

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