
Morocco’s Human-Centered Border Management Model

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Khalid Zerouali, Wali and Director of Migration and Border Control at the Ministry of Interior, stated on Thursday in Rabat that Morocco, under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, has adopted a humanitarian approach to border management, placing migrants at the heart of its policies and initiatives.

Speaking at a roundtable organized by the National Observatory of Migration on « Human-Centered Border Management: From Vulnerability to Opportunity », Zerouali highlighted Morocco’s unique and comprehensive approach. This model follows the migrant’s journey from initial contact to integration, addressing their vulnerabilities and offering tailored support.

The royal initiative to enhance Sahel countries’ access to the Atlantic Ocean reflects this forward-thinking strategy. Morocco redefines borders not just as physical barriers but as catalysts for economic integration and collective prosperity.

Morocco actively promotes this vision at international forums, particularly through the South-North Regional Pact on Humanized Border Management, proposed in 2023 as part of the Rabat Process.

Since launching the National Strategy for Immigration and Asylum (NSIA) in 2013, Morocco has implemented policies based on human rights principles. The strategy particularly focuses on protecting victims of human trafficking and migrant smuggling through institutional reforms and legal adjustments aligned with global standards.

The roundtable gathered experts, government officials, international organizations, and civil society representatives to discuss innovative solutions for border management and migrant protection.

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