
France’s Annual Immigration Report: Increase in Residence Permits and Deportations

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The French Ministry of the Interior released its annual immigration report on Tuesday, presenting key statistics on residence permits, asylum requests, and deportations.

According to the report, France issued 336,700 residence permits in 2024, marking a 1.8% increase compared to 2023. Meanwhile, deportations surged by 26.7%, reaching 21,601 expulsions.

The increase in residence permits was lower than in previous years. Student permits accounted for about one-third of the total (109,300), while family-related permits represented one-quarter (90,600).

Citizens from Maghreb countries saw a 13.5% rise in humanitarian residence permits, with nearly 55,000 issued. Economic-based residence permits remained stable at 55,600.

Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia ranked among the top countries for deported irregular migrants.

As of December 31, 2024, France had 4.3 million valid residence permits, reflecting a 3.9% increase compared to the previous year.

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