
Spain Ends Unemployment Benefits for Moroccans Traveling Without Notification

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The Spanish judiciary has approved the permanent suspension of unemployment benefits for unemployed Moroccans who travel abroad without notifying the relevant authorities.

This decision follows a ruling by the Supreme Court of Madrid (TSJM), which revoked benefits for recipients over 52 who traveled without prior notification.

Beneficiaries who left Spain without informing the public employment service will face a fine of €8,509.01.

The measure applies to individuals who continued receiving aid while staying abroad for more than 15 days, which is a breach of Spanish law.

The court emphasized that failure to notify the authorities is a clear violation. One case involved a Moroccan who frequently traveled to his home country without informing the authorities, leading to sanctions.

The affected individuals argued that they had not received clear instructions on the eligibility conditions. However, the court ruled that ignorance of the law is not a valid excuse, thus upholding the final suspension of benefits.

The Spanish judiciary reaffirmed that any departure from the country without prior notification automatically results in the loss of financial aid.

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