
Government Action Plan for Employment

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The government council reviewed on Thursday a presentation on the « Government Action Plan for Employment, » delivered by Younes Sekkouri, Minister of Economic Inclusion, Small Business, Employment, and Skills.

Exceptional Budget for 2025 During a press conference following the meeting, the Minister Delegate in charge of relations with Parliament and government spokesperson, Mustapha Baitas, announced that the plan allocates an exceptional budget of 14 billion dirhams for 2025. This funding aims to address employment market challenges related to structural climate changes, as well as the economic and social impacts of the Covid-19 crisis and global geopolitical tensions.

A Participatory Approach The minister emphasized that the government conducted extensive consultations in a participatory approach involving productive and social sectors, including employers represented by the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises. The goal was to refine diagnostics and precisely define initiatives and intervention programs.

Strategic Axes of the Plan After six months of work, several programs were identified, focusing on:

  • Investment Support: Establishing a new government initiative encouraging small and medium-sized businesses to create jobs and supporting large-scale investments.
  • Restructuring Employment Programs: Expanding initiatives to include non-degree holders through support from the National Agency for Employment Promotion and a new apprenticeship training program.
  • Support for Rural Areas: Implementing local income-generating projects for small farmers and livestock breeders.

Complementary Measures The plan also includes measures to reduce school dropout rates, restructure training pathways, and enhance labor market governance through advanced data collection and analysis.

The project was presented and discussed during the government council meeting and will be finalized in the coming weeks.

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