
Drug Trafficking Network Dismantled in Tifelt

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Police officers from the regional security commission in Tifelt, based on precise intelligence provided by the General Directorate for Territorial Surveillance, arrested three individuals on Monday evening suspected of being involved in drug and psychotropic substance trafficking.

According to a security source, this operation was conducted in coordination with the Royal Gendarmerie in Sidi Allal Bahraoui. The first suspect was caught red-handed in possession of drugs, with 1,410 psychotropic pills seized from him.

Further investigations led to the identification and arrest of two other suspects involved in this criminal activity. Authorities also seized two motorcycles and a sum of money believed to be proceeds from drug sales.

The suspects have been placed under judicial investigation under the supervision of the competent public prosecutor to determine all the circumstances of this case and uncover any potential links to other criminal activities.

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