
Trump harshly criticizes the American education system

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Former U.S. President Donald Trump has strongly criticized the education system in the United States, calling it « the worst in the world. »

In an interview with Fox News this Sunday, he emphasized the need to return school management to state authorities rather than administering it at the federal level.

« We literally have the worst Department of Education and the worst education system in the world. We are at the bottom of the rankings, » Trump stated, pointing out that the U.S. spends the most per student globally, despite poor educational outcomes.

The former president also reiterated his intention to empower local authorities in managing schools, believing that such a move would improve the quality of education and make the American education system more competitive globally.

In a different context, Trump expressed his desire to reduce defense spending, but quickly added, « not now, » without specifying when this option might be considered.

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