
The Superior Council of Ulemas allows Moroccans direct ascent to Mount Arafat

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The Superior Council of Ulemas issued a Fatwa authorizing the direct ascent of Moroccan pilgrims to Mount Arafat, on the 9th of Dou Al Hijja, without passing through Mina, on the 8th of the same month (Tarwiya Day), indicates, Tuesday, a press release of the Ministry of Habous and Islamic Affairs.
Here is the translation of the ministry’s press release on this subject:
« In response to a Fatwa request addressed by the Royal Commission in charge of pilgrimage to the Superior Council of Ulemas regarding the direct ascent of Moroccan pilgrims to Mount Arafat, on the 9th of Dou Al Hijja, without passing through Mina, on the 8th of Dou Al Hijja (Tarwiya Day), the Council issued its Fatwa authorizing pilgrims to proceed directly to the ascent of Mount Arafat, on the 9th day of Dou Al Hijja, affirming that the passage through Mina, which is advisable, can be abandoned to spare the pilgrims the great hardship that experience has demonstrated, as they prepare, the following day, to perform the most important rite of the Hajj, namely the ascension of Arafat.”

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