
Traffic accidents: 22 dead and 2,801 injured in urban areas last week

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These accidents are mainly due to the inadvertence of drivers, failure to respect priority, excessive speed, failure to maintain a safety distance, inadvertence of pedestrians, lack of control of vehicles, changing direction without using a signal, failure to obey the stop sign, unauthorized change of direction, driving in the left lane, failure to comply with the red light, driving while intoxicated, traffic in the prohibited direction and defective overtaking, said the DGSN in a press release.

Concerning the control and repression of traffic offenses, the security services issued 44,794 tickets and drew up 7,186 reports submitted to the public prosecutor’s office, while 37,608 transactional fines were paid, added the same source.

The sums collected for these fines reached 8,259,150 dirhams, underlined the DGSN, reporting the municipal impoundment of 4,809 vehicles, the withdrawal of 7,186 documents and the immobilization of 279 vehicles.

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