
Ministry’s Efforts Struggle to Curb School Dropout Rates

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Recent initiatives by the Ministry of National Education have not succeeded in halting the ongoing rise in school dropouts, nor in effectively reintegrating students who have dropped out into the traditional education system. Official statistics for the 2022/2023 school year are concerning: 58,819 students left primary school, 156,998 dropped out at the lower secondary level, and 78,651 at the upper secondary level.

These figures, provided by the ministry in a written response, reveal that dropout rates are particularly high among lower secondary students. However, the Minister of National Education, Primary Education, and Sports highlighted a 14.6% reduction in dropouts at this level compared to the previous year—a glimmer of hope that does not overshadow the seriousness of the issue.

To curb this educational « hemorrhage, » the Minister of National Education, Chakib Benmoussa, emphasizes the 2022-2026 roadmap, which focuses on innovative solutions. Among these is the Leadership Colleges program, set to launch in the 2024-2025 school year. This program aims not only to reduce dropout rates but also to maximize students’ chances of success.

Despite this optimistic vision, Benmoussa did not hide the reality: school dropout remains a major barrier to the development of Morocco’s education system. « The rising dropout rate represents a significant loss of human capital, a key element in facing development challenges, » he stated.

The ministry’s efforts have led to a 12% decrease in the total number of dropouts, from 334,664 in 2021/2022 to 294,458 in 2022/2023. However, the majority of students who dropped out never re-enrolled, representing approximately 230,904 cases, while 63,554 students left due to expulsion.

The ministry’s document also highlights that 62% of dropouts are over 16 years old, an age at which schooling is still mandatory. This figure underscores an alarming reality: annual dropout statistics do not fully capture the extent of the problem on the ground.

In an effort to reverse this trend, 50,448 students who had dropped out were reintegrated during the same school year, with 31,830 returning through class council decisions and 18,610 through other specific measures.

Among the ministry’s concrete actions to counter dropout rates, expanding educational opportunities is a key focus. The total number of schools for the 2023-2024 school year reached 12,113, a 1.9% increase from the previous year. Additionally, 55% of these schools are in rural areas, which is significant for educational access.

The growth of community schools is also noteworthy, increasing from 271 in 2022-2023 to 306 in 2023-2024, marking a 12.9% rise. Conversely, the number of annex classes slightly decreased, from 13,112 to 13,008.

Thus, despite the efforts and ambitious initiatives, the path to significantly reducing school dropout remains challenging. The measures taken require rigorous monitoring and constant adjustments to achieve a lasting impact on Morocco’s education system.

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