
Treasury Bond Yields Decline Following Latest Fundraising

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The Treasury raised 2.8 billion dirhams during the latest auction session, against a total demand of 6.2 billion dirhams, according to Attijari Global Research (AGR). The satisfaction rate for this session thus stands at 45%, AGR specifies in its latest « Weekly Hebdo Taux – Fixed Income » report covering the period from August 7 to 15.

With one session remaining before the end of August, the Treasury has already met 75% of its initial need of 9.5 billion dirhams announced at the beginning of the month, amounting to 7.1 billion dirhams, according to the same source.

Moreover, the yield rates of the maturities on the primary curve targeted by this raise have shown a downward trend. The yields on the 5 and 15-year maturities fell by 9 and 5 basis points respectively.

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