
Moroccan Livestock Federation Criticizes Government’s Inaction Amidst Red Meat Crisis

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The ongoing crisis in the red meat sector in Morocco is causing deep concern among the Moroccan Federation of Livestock Sector Actors. In a recent statement, the Federation expressed fears of an imminent price surge and lamented the lack of appropriate and coordinated measures from the relevant authorities to resolve this crisis, which is severely impacting all stakeholders in the sector.

The Federation warns of another imminent price hike in the red meat market due to the absence of a clear strategy from the authorities to overcome the current crisis. Affiliated with the General Union of Enterprises and Professions (UGEP), the Federation criticizes the lack of strategic vision from both the Ministry of Agriculture and the National Office for Food Safety (ONSSA). According to the Federation, this lack of a crisis management strategy is only worsening the situation.

The Federation also laments what it describes as the marginalization of small and medium-sized actors in the livestock sector, as well as importers and wholesale and retail traders, who are not being consulted to find solutions to the current crisis.

The statement also criticizes the Ministry for its silence in the face of dysfunctions within the Interprofessional Federation of Red Meats, which has significantly contributed to the worsening of the crisis. Furthermore, the Federation points out that its numerous attempts to communicate with the Ministry have gone unanswered, deepening the current deadlock. Additionally, the Federation expresses its dissatisfaction with ONSSA’s lack of engagement with operators who imported sheep from Romania to supply the Moroccan market for the Aïd Al Adha sacrifice.

The Federation also criticizes the adoption of new specifications without prior consultation with the concerned importers, imposing additional constraints on them without offering an opportunity for prior discussion.

In light of this critical situation affecting all stakeholders, including small breeders and importers, the Federation announces the establishment of an advocacy and awareness plan, which will be unveiled later, and expresses its determination to oppose any decision that benefits a specific group to the detriment of other sector actors through all legal and legitimate means.

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