
Urban Traffic Accidents: 35 Deaths and 2708 Injuries in One Week

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During the week of September 2nd to 8th, 35 people died, and 2708 were injured, with 117 sustaining serious injuries, in 2056 traffic accidents within urban areas.

A report from the General Directorate of National Security attributes these accidents mainly to driver inattention, failure to yield the right of way, speeding, lack of safe following distance, loss of vehicle control, pedestrian inattention, unsignaled direction changes, and driving under the influence.

Law enforcement registered 47,546 traffic violations, filed 8013 reports forwarded to the public prosecutor, and collected fines amounting to 8,456,825 dirhams. Additionally, 5208 vehicles were impounded, 495 documents were confiscated, and 8013 vehicles were immobilized.

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