
Algerian Media’s Attempts to Discredit Morocco Through Misinformation

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As usual, the Algerian media has once again turned its attention towards Morocco, attempting to distort facts and mislead public opinion regarding illegal immigration events in the city of Fnideq.

In a deliberate effort to create a misleading narrative, they broadcast images and videos completely disconnected from the reality on the ground. In a striking example of manipulation, scenes from the Mexico-US border were falsely portrayed as events happening in Fnideq or at the borders of the occupied city of Ceuta.

This approach reveals the extent of manipulation and the attempt to mislead regional and international public opinion, unfairly accusing Morocco. Algerian media, seemingly losing control of their narrative, now resort to filling migration issues with lies and distortions, showing open hostility towards anything related to Morocco.

While Morocco faces challenges related to illegal immigration at its borders, the Algerian media tries to exploit this issue by spreading fabricated stories, in a desperate attempt to affect regional relations and tarnish Morocco’s image globally. Nonetheless, Morocco remains steadfast, relying on realistic policies and its undeniable successes on the ground.

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