Eid Al-Mawlid Al-Nabaoui: Royal Pardon for 638 People

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His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful, may God assist Him, has granted His pardon, on the occasion of Eid Al-Mawlid Al-Nabaoui to 638 people convicted by various courts of the Kingdom, the Ministry of Justice announced in a statement.

 The beneficiaries of the Royal Pardon who are currently in detention number 481 and are divided as follows:

– 25 inmates have benefited from full pardon over the remaining prison term or confinement.

– 453 inmates had their prison terms reduced.

– 3 inmates had their life sentences commuted to fixed-term sentences.

The beneficiaries of the Royal Pardon who are not in detention number 157 and are divided as follows:

– 39 individuals benefited from pardon over their prison term or its remainder.

– 10 individuals had their prison terms pardoned and their fines maintained.

– 100 individuals had their fines annulled.

– 8 individuals had both their prison terms pardoned and their fines annulled.

Royal pardon is customary in Morocco to mark national and religious holidays.

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