
Tanger’s Political Crisis: Local Officials Blame Ex-Governor to Hide Their Failures

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Amid the ongoing political turmoil in the city of Tangier, following the suspension of the president of Tangier City Council, Mohamed El Cherkaoui, and three of his deputies, a confusing political scene has emerged.

As usual, some political figures are quick to find a scapegoat to settle old scores, while ignoring the real hardships faced by the people.

These critics, who seem to have lost their sense of purpose, are now trying to tie the current challenges in Tangier to the tenure of former governor Mohamed Mhidia, in a desperate attempt to shift the blame.

Instead of seeking realistic solutions, they’ve chosen the easy route: invoking a leader who has long left office. These attacks are nothing more than political moves to tarnish Mhidia’s reputation, despite his significant role in modernizing infrastructure and attracting major investments during his term.

The real culprits behind the city’s current struggles are the elected officials who have failed to fulfill their electoral promises and offer concrete solutions. Blaming Mhidia is merely an attempt to cover up their own failure in local governance.

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