
Algeria Faces Crisis While Morocco Rises with Open Diplomacy

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As Algeria experiences unprecedented isolation due to the rigid policies of its military regime, combined with escalating internal economic and social crises, the Algerian leadership has taken bizarre decisions that exacerbate the situation and draw mockery from observers. Among these actions, Moroccans have dubbed the complicated travel procedures to Algeria as « Visa Chingrihistan, » suggesting that the country is increasingly detached from global political and diplomatic realities, closing itself off when it needs to open up and collaborate with neighboring countries and the international community to address its crises.

In this context, the strategy of Abdellatif Hammouchi, Director General of Moroccan National Security, has emerged as one of the most effective security policies in the region. Hammouchi has managed to build a robust network of security and intelligence relations with major countries, enabling Morocco to outpace Algeria in critical areas like counter-terrorism, illegal immigration, and organized crime. This approach has not only strengthened Morocco’s internal security but also elevated its position as a regional and global leader in addressing contemporary security challenges.

The mockery expressed by Moroccans towards the « Visa Chingrihistan » is rooted in frustration with the stagnant policies of the Algerian regime. At a time when the region requires security and economic cooperation to tackle shared challenges, the Algerian leadership has chosen to delve into absurd policies, deepening Algeria’s isolation and worsening its internal troubles. The term « Autumn of Queues » reflects the despair of Algerian citizens who, despite living in an oil-rich country, have to line up for basic necessities such as milk, potatoes, and fuel, highlighting a new era of decline in Algeria.

On the other hand, Morocco continues to pursue regional and international cooperation under the wise leadership of King Mohammed VI, focusing on strengthening ties with strategic partners in Africa and beyond. These efforts have led to growing recognition of Morocco as a reliable partner on crucial issues like sustainable development, food security, and counter-terrorism, making Morocco a model for progress in the region.

With economic decline and rising unemployment, Algeria finds itself facing a harsh reality, where the « Autumn of Queues » has become a daily ordeal for Algerians. If the regime continues with its closed and ill-conceived policies, this autumn might only be the beginning of a deeper crisis unless a significant change in policy occurs.

Thus, Morocco stands as a model of stability and progress, while Algeria grapples with the consequences of a rigid leadership lacking a clear vision. While Moroccans jest about « Visa Chingrihistan, » the harsh truth is that the Algerian regime is entrenching its own isolation, while Morocco steadily moves toward a brighter future.

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