
Moroccan Cyclists Embark on a Journey of Peace Across Africa

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Moroccan cyclists Mohamed Rabouhat (63), Wasif Rachid (64), and Mohamed Azkit (60) reached Nouakchott last weekend, marking the first stop on their journey across the continent. They spread messages of peace and love, showcasing the triumph of determination over real or perceived obstacles of age and geography.

Wasif Rachid and Mohamed Azkit aim to continue their adventure across Africa towards Mecca to perform the Umrah pilgrimage, while Mohamed Rabouhat will explore the continent. As he mentioned to the Maghreb Arab Press Agency, Rabouhat had previously embarked on a similar journey in 2018, cycling across Africa to perform the Hajj.

Mohamed Rabouhat, who has raced in Morocco alongside famous cyclists like Mostafa Nejari and Lahbib Belkadi, highlighted that the motto of all his trips to Africa has always been « For peace, love, coexistence, and communication between the Moroccan people and other African nations. »

Wasif Rachid and Mohamed Azkit noted that their journey is under the banner of « Journey of Life and Territorial Unity, » a theme chosen by the trip’s initiator, Mohamed Mthour (73), who had to stop in Dakhla due to a health emergency.

Mohamed Mthour is especially known for his journey from Meknes to Ivory Coast to support the national football team during the Africa Cup of Nations.

Wasif Rachid explained that their route to Mecca passes through Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea Conakry, Ivory Coast, and then from Jordan to Saudi Arabia.

Mohamed Azkit, a founding member of the Moroccan cycling tourism group, mentioned that his original plan was to make the Umrah pilgrimage from Morocco through Eastern Europe, but an invitation from Mohamed Mthour changed his course.

The cyclists emphasized the importance of such journeys in connecting with the people of the countries they cross and the Moroccan diaspora through modern communication tools and direct interactions.

The Moroccan embassy in Nouakchott hosted a reception for the three cyclists, who were warmly welcomed by the Moroccan community in Mauritania, especially by the Moroccan Association for Unity and Solidarity.

The three adventurers are set to depart Nouakchott this Wednesday, heading towards Senegal, and expressed their gratitude for the support provided by Mauritanian authorities since their arrival.

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