Investigation Launched Following a Hunting Rifle Incident in Tiznit
The judicial police in the city of Tiznit initiated an investigation under the supervision of the competent public prosecutor on Friday, January 10, to determine the circumstances and motives behind a 71-year-old man’s use of a hunting rifle to commit a physical assault against one of his neighbors following an accidental dispute.
Initial findings from the investigation indicate that the suspect fired a cartridge from his personal hunting rifle at his neighbor due to a minor disagreement between them. The incident caused superficial injuries to the victim’s upper limbs, who received medical treatment and was subsequently discharged from the hospital.
The suspect was apprehended near the scene of the incident. This arrest is part of the investigation ordered by the public prosecutor to uncover the circumstances and motives behind this criminal act. Additionally, necessary ballistic analyses will be conducted on the seized hunting rifle used in the case.