
Interpol President Praises Morocco’s Ability to Organize an Exceptional 2030 World Cup

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General Ahmed Nasser Al-Raisi, President of the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol), expressed his confidence this Sunday in Tunis in Morocco’s ability to host an « exceptional » edition of the 2030 FIFA World Cup.

During his speech at the 42nd session of the Council of Arab Interior Ministers, he congratulated both Morocco and Saudi Arabia on their « historic » achievement in securing the hosting rights for the 2030 and 2034 World Cups, respectively. He emphasized his belief that both nations will organize a prestigious tournament worthy of their rich history and legacy.

Al-Raisi also highlighted several major security operations led by Interpol, with active participation from numerous Arab countries, including Morocco.

It is worth noting that Interpol, founded in 1923, is an international criminal police organization whose primary objective is to enhance national security capacities, facilitate information and expertise exchange among security agencies across its 196 member states, and combat transnational crimes and security threats.

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