
Morocco’s Ranking in the Network Excellence Index

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The Network Excellence Index, recently published by OpenSignal, has ranked Morocco 87th globally out of 137 countries.

This ranking evaluates the country’s telecommunications sector by assessing 4G and 5G availability and download speeds.

Morocco’s Position in the MENA Region

In the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, Morocco ranks 9th, placing it in a mid-range position. Bahrain, Kuwait, and Oman top the regional ranking, followed by the United Arab Emirates. Saudi Arabia holds the 5th position, ahead of Qatar and Israel.

Ranking of Neighboring Countries

Tunisia is 10th in the region, while Algeria and Libya occupy the 15th and 16th places, respectively.

Global Leaders

Globally, Denmark leads the ranking, ahead of South Korea and Finland. Northern and European countries dominate the top spots, with Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Luxembourg also highly ranked.
The United States is ranked 14th, while the United Kingdom and Russia hold the 47th and 76th places, respectively.

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