
Government Council to Convene on Thursday Under the Chairmanship of Aziz Akhannouch

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The Government Council is set to hold a meeting next Thursday under the chairmanship of Aziz Akhannouch, the Head of Government.

According to a statement from the government presidency, the Council will begin its session by reviewing a draft decree-law amending the legislation concerning the reform of Regional Investment Centers and the establishment of Unified Regional Investment Committees.

Subsequently, the Council will continue its deliberations by examining two draft decrees: the first pertains to the implementation of the law governing public donation collection and the distribution of aid for charitable purposes, while the second concerns the establishment of the Benguérir Industrial Acceleration Zone.

The Council will then move on to study the statute of the Arab Center for the Study of Social Policies and the Eradication of Poverty in Arab Countries, adopted in Cairo on September 9, 2021, and signed by Morocco on March 13, 2024, along with a draft law approving this statute.

Finally, the Council will conclude its proceedings by discussing proposals for high-level appointments in accordance with Article 92 of the Constitution.

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