
Government Council Meeting – Agenda and Key Topics

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The Government Council will convene next Thursday under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Aziz Akhannouch.

According to a statement from the Prime Minister’s Office, the session will begin with a presentation by the Minister Delegate in charge of relations with Parliament and the Government Spokesperson. He will present a report on the government’s work in relation to Parliament during the October 2024-2025 session of the 11th legislative term (2021-2026).

The Council will then study two draft decrees:

  • The first concerns the amendment of the decree establishing the Kenitra Industrial Acceleration Zone.
  • The second relates to modifying the decree on the creation of the Tangier Tech Free Export Zone.

Following this, the Council will review a cooperation agreement on maritime fishing and aquaculture between Morocco and the Republic of Benin, signed in Cotonou on February 15, 2024, along with a draft law approving this agreement. It will also examine a cooperation agreement in higher education, scientific research, and innovation between Morocco and the Republic of Angola.

Finally, the meeting will conclude with the discussion and approval of proposals for senior appointments in accordance with Article 92 of the Constitution.

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