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Council of Government to Convene on Thursday

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A Council of Government will convene on Thursday under the chairmanship of the Head of Government, Aziz Akhannouch.

At the beginning of its proceedings, the Council will follow a presentation by the Minister Delegate to the Head of Government in charge of the Digital Transition and the Reform of the Administration on « the government’s assessment of the simplification of administrative measures and procedures and the work program for the current year, » said Monday a statement by the department of the Head of Government.

The Council will then consider four draft decrees, the first is related to the implementation of certain provisions of the law on the simplification of administrative measures and procedures concerning administrative decisions issued by local authorities and their bodies, the second concerns the determination of the list of administrative decisions necessary for the realization of investment projects with a time limit for processing applications that does not exceed 30 days, while the third draft is related to the determination of the list of administrative decisions that require an extension of the processing time in order to perform a technical expertise.

The fourth draft decree concerns the preparation of the list of administrative decisions considered to be approved, after any failure to reply from the administration after the legal deadline.

At the end of the Council’s proceedings, the government will consider certain proposals for appointments to high office, in accordance with Article 92 of the Constitution.

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