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GPBM Adopts Inter-Banking Charter for People with Disabilities

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The Professional Grouping of Banks in Morocco (GPBM), under the aegis of the central bank BAM, has adopted an inter-banking charter aimed at facilitating access to and use of banking products and services by people with disabilities.

Through their commitment to observe the principles of this charter, banks will have to take a set of measures to promote the accessibility of their physical infrastructure to people with disabilities, especially access to branches and ATMs, and to develop access and digital interfaces tailored to people with disabilities and aligned with best practices and standards recognized in this field, says the GPBM and Bank Al-Maghrib (BAM) in a joint statement.

In this context, the banks will make available to people with disabilities information services, through physical and digital media, on the devices put in place to meet their needs, the same source adds.

The charter was established in consultation with associations for protection of people with disabilities.

The adoption of the interbank charter in favor of people with disabilities is part of the strengthening of actions to protect customers of credit institutions conducted by BAM in coordination with banking actors.

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