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Morocco’s Upper House Speaker Unanimously Elected as New PAM President

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Morocco’s House of Councillors Speaker Enaam Mayara was elected, Thursday in Rabat, unanimously new President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) for the period 2023-2024.

The election of Mayara, who succeeds Pedro Roque (Portugal), took place on the sidelines of the 17th PAM plenary session hosted, Wednesday and Thursday, by the Moroccan parliament.

He was unanimously accredited by the countries of the southern group to chair this international parliamentary organization.

Following the election, Mayara said that the action plan for the coming period will focus on strengthening the common values of the Mediterranean basin’s countries with regard to the intermingling of civilizations and cultures and the cohabitation of religions, as well as the values of freedom, democracy and human rights.

« It is also about consolidating the structured work established by our Parliaments and achieve accumulation through the support of initiatives aimed at strengthening cooperation in the face of the challenges posed, » he added, referring also to consolidating coordination and inter-parliamentary consultation and exchange of views and experiences and expertise on issues of common interest.

The Upper House Speaker also indicated that emphasis will be placed on establishing the spirit of effective solidarity in the exchange of knowledge and experience with neighboring countries of the Mediterranean basin, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, in addition to promoting cooperative ties with these countries and their integration in the treatment of issues that go beyond the geographical area of the region, such as the fight against human trafficking, organized crime and terrorism, security, extremism, immigration, sustainable development, environment and renewable energy.

In this sense, Mayara called for expanding the PAM 5+5 Parliamentary Forum to include the 5 countries of the Sahel, strengthening the treatment of imperative topics such as food security, energy security and water security, the interference of the challenges of security, peace and stability in sub-Saharan Africa, the Mediterranean Sea and the western Atlantic Ocean.

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