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CNDH SG: Pre-Forum in Rabat Showed Capacity of Human Rights Defenders from South to Enrich Universal HR Standards

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 The Rabat World Human Right Pre-Forum, held last February 17 and 18, has shown « the ability of experts and human rights defenders from the South to enrich and develop the norms and standards in human rights, » said Thursday in Santiago, the Secretary General of the National Human Rights Council, Mounir Bensaleh.

Speaking at the closing of the Pre-Forum of Human Rights in Chile, which is held a few days before the 3rd World Forum on Human Rights in Buenos Aires (20-23 March), Bensaleh stressed « the relevance » of holding this kind of global meetings which are « ideal spaces for dialogue, debate and confidence building » and which are attended « equally and constructively » by the various actors of human rights.

The Secretary General of the CNDH recalled in this sense the strong involvement of Morocco in the dynamics of these forums, after hosting the second edition, after that of Brazil, and organizing the last Pre-Forum in February, which had brought together 500 participants from 50 countries, mainly from Africa and Latin America.

In Rabat, participants focused on three interrelated themes: Migration, transitional justice and climate change, themes for which Morocco can boast strong and unique expertise, Bensaleh said, adding that the recommendations adopted in Rabat, which are incorporated into the final document of the Pre-Forum, « will undoubtedly enrich the debates of the third World Forum on Human Rights in Argentina. »

Seizing the opportunity of the celebration of the International Women’s Rights Day, the Secretary General of the CNDH mentioned the path taken by Morocco in terms of promotion of these rights, since the reform of the family code in 2004, which was « a revolutionary text at the time in our region ».

Bensaleh announced that the CNDH has recently set up a commission to present a new proposal for reform of this code, in the framework of a reflection and a pluralist debate, in accordance with the Constitution of 2011 and international standards in human rights.

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