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Geneva: Call to Lift Veil on Cases of Enforced Disappearance in Tindouf Camps

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 Civil society organizations called, Friday in Geneva, to lift the state of emergency in the Tindouf camps, to grant the detained populations the right to peaceful demonstration and to shed light on cases of enforced disappearance.

The Geneva Declaration, issued at the end of a panel organized by the International Observatory for Peace and Human Rights (IOPDHR) on the situation of human rights in the camps of Tindouf, called for an end to all forms of repression targeting activists who do not share the theses of the « polisario », while expressing its deep concern about the increasing violations against the populations of the camps, on the part of the « polisario » and the Algerian forces of order.

The participants in this conference, held on the sidelines of the 52nd session of the Human Rights Council (HRC), condemned the « negative position of the host country, Algeria, in the face of serious violations affecting the populations, » calling on the international community to ensure that they can enjoy the necessary protection, ensuring that the camps are managed in accordance with international standards, and putting in place a legal framework that ensures the implementation of the international convention relating to the status of refugees.

The document urged Algeria to allow human rights organizations and associations access to the camps, in order to interact with the populations and identify them in order to provide the necessary assistance.

The conference also recommended opening investigations into all cases of enforced disappearance and torture, which have occurred throughout the past five decades, while bringing those responsible to justice, in accordance with international human rights law.

In addition, the Declaration called for the improvement of basic services and the inclusion of the camps in the host country’s development programs, as well as increased efforts to end the recruitment of children into the camps and violence against women.

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