
Morocco-Japan: 37th Annual Fisheries Consultation Wraps up in Tokyo

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The 37th Annual Consultation, provided for in the fisheries agreement signed between Morocco and Japan in September 1985, wrapped up on Thursday in Tokyo.

The closing ceremony was marked by the signing of the Minutes of this session by the secretary general of the Department of Fisheries, under the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Rural Development and Water and Forests, Zakia Driouich, and director of the Overseas Fisheries Cooperation Office at the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Yoshitsugu Shikada, according to a statement by the Department.

During this session, the two parties agreed on the technical and financial provisions, as well as the fishing modalities for Japanese vessels operating in the tuna longline fishery in Moroccan waters, during the 2023 fiscal year, added the same source.

The two parties also took stock of cooperation projects currently underway in Morocco, notably the « Souiria Kdima » new-generation fishing village project, the aquaculture development project for blue growth in Morocco, and the assignment of a long-term Japanese expert.

Referring to the importance of the private partnership between operators from both countries, the two parties agreed to promote and encourage this partnership between economic players from both countries in the field of marine fisheries and related activities.

The Moroccan side stressed the need to resume tripartite Moroccan-Japanese-African cooperation in the fisheries sector, which benefits all partners, the statement noted.

The two parties welcomed the level of their cooperation within the organizations (ICCAT, IWC, WTO, CITES, etc.) and agreed to strengthen this mutual cooperation for the sustainable exploitation of fishery resources, concluded the statement.     

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